Top 10 Holiday Gift Ideas for Baby

holiday gifts ideas for baby

This holiday season, we're hoping to make shopping easy for you or your family member who are shopping for the babies in your life! Here are ten of our favorite products for infants and young toddlers - all under $25 with many of them being perfect stocking stuffers! We use these products on a daily basis and have seen so many wonderful outcomes when these tools are used to support enjoyable family mealtimes.

We've also created these handy printable gift tags which provides a quick explanation for the gift you are giving. You can give the gift of knowledge along with these recommended products!

Click on the image for your free printable gift tags!

printable gift tags

Click on the image for your free printable gift tags

Here are our top 10 gift ideas for baby!

1. Choomee Dip'n Spoons

2. Zoli Chubby Gummy Massager

3. Olababy Straw Cup

4. Munchkin Weighted Straw Cup

5. Baby Food Feeder

6. Ezpz Tiny Bowl or Mini Mat

7. Banana Brush

8. Munchkin Silicone Trainer Spoon

9. First Years Take & Toss Utensils

10. Bumkins SuperBibs

Putting together a small gift basket with several of these items is a great idea! You can help new parents prepare for the transition to solids with tips from feeding specialists and by introducing them to our Help with Feeding resources.

In addition, consider purchasing the Introduction to Solids eBook for any new parents in your life to help them get a jump start on the transition to solids without any stress! This 30-page online resource is full of information on why and how to start solids and walks you through the process from purees through table foods, including the transition to cup drinking.

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