When Your Baby Isn’t Gaining
Stacia Paganelli Stacia Paganelli

When Your Baby Isn’t Gaining

Hearing the words “poor weight gain” can be devastating for new parents. Find out what you need to know and how to move forward while making sure your baby is getting what she needs.

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Helping Your Baby Learn to Chew
Introduction to Solids, Toddler Mealtimes Stacia Paganelli Introduction to Solids, Toddler Mealtimes Stacia Paganelli

Helping Your Baby Learn to Chew

The transition from purees to table food can be very scary... for parents. Even when babies are ready, developmentally and physiologically, well-intentioned parents sometimes hesitate and find themselves unprepared for the pending shift in mealtime control. Here are some tips to help ease you and baby into this next phase of life!

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Tongue Ties: A Speech Pathologist's Perspective
Bottle-feeding, Breastfeeding Stacia Paganelli Bottle-feeding, Breastfeeding Stacia Paganelli

Tongue Ties: A Speech Pathologist's Perspective

There are many reasons that newborns have difficulty with feeding in the first several weeks and months of life. Feeding is a complicated process that involves 26 muscles and 6 cranial nerves. Infants begin sucking between the 18-24th weeks in utero and swallowing is observed consistently by 22-24 weeks. What does this mean? Their feeding pattern is developed and engrained months before they are born.

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Pocketing: When Your Child Won't Swallow Table Food
Introduction to Solids, Toddler Mealtimes Stacia Paganelli Introduction to Solids, Toddler Mealtimes Stacia Paganelli

Pocketing: When Your Child Won't Swallow Table Food

There are many reasons that a child may pocket food rather than swallowing it - some include: Being afraid to swallow due to a past choking incident Preventing others from force feeding Protecting their airway (and knowing that it is not safe to swallow) An immature swallow pattern can prevent them from swallowing appropriately Limited awareness/sensation of the food in their mouth Enlarged tonsils/adenoids The first step to help your child at mealtimes (no matter what the cause) is making sure that you are being a responsive feeder.

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Baby Led Weaning or Spoon-Feeding?
Introduction to Solids Stacia Paganelli Introduction to Solids Stacia Paganelli

Baby Led Weaning or Spoon-Feeding?

As with most issues in feeding, we tend to take a "middle of the road" approach. We believe there are some really positive messages contained in the Baby Led Weaning movement, however we also believe that skills learned during the spoon-feeding phase are equally as important. As early as two months, babies learn to hold things and quickly begin bringing objects and toys to their mouths between 3-4 months of age. By 6 months old, typically-developing babies demonstrate oral motor skills

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Straw Drinking 101

Straw Drinking 101

Infants can typically learn to drink from a straw between the ages of 8-9 months old, sometimes earlier. The trick is to find the right type of straw cup and/or activity that will help them learn this oral motor skill. Moving on to a straw cup can be helpful for older infants who have refused a bottle. We have had good success teaching this skill using the Rubbermaid Litterless Juice Box (for those of you who live locally, you can find them at Wegmans in the Tupperware aisle).

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Introducing the Bottle to Your Breastfed Baby
Bottle-feeding, Breastfeeding Stacia Paganelli Bottle-feeding, Breastfeeding Stacia Paganelli

Introducing the Bottle to Your Breastfed Baby

There are many reasons to introduce the bottle to your breastfed baby and supporting flexibility around feeding is one of them. Whether you will be returning to work full-time or are just looking to make sure your baby can be fed if you are apart for a few hours, we have some tips to help this introduction go smoothly as well as ideas on how to move forward if it does not. Most importantly, do not wait until you are unavailable to introduce the bottle!

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Combining "Old" and "New" Foods to Encourage Acceptance

Combining "Old" and "New" Foods to Encourage Acceptance

This strategy can help during the transition to purees as well as table foods. For the baby working on spoon-feeding, add a teaspoon of a new food to a serving of a familiar purée. This can be helpful with green vegetables as well as meats if your baby is having difficulty tolerating certain flavors or textures. After she accepts the new "mixture", increase to two teaspoons of new food and continue to slowly increase the amount.

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